Through science-based medical diagnosis and treatment,
patients experience regression of harmful disease processes
while developing and maintaining as healthy a metabolic system as possible.
Learn about our services below.
Our Areas of Focus
Vitality and Disease Prevention
Improve energy and focus while preventing or reducing risks of major disease such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.
Weight Imbalances
Discover and address the root metabolic cause of excess or deficient body weight through a detailed evaluation.
Athletic Performance
Learn about physiologic testing and strategies to dial in your sports nutrition and training regimen.

Did you know that your brain and body communicate through hormone messengers to control your metabolism, body weight, and appetite?
Find out more about our approach and see if you’re a good fit to join the Cooper Center for Metabolism as a new patient.

Visit Us
Cooper Center for Metabolism
2320 W. Commodore Way
Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98199
Phone: 206-632-4575
Fax: 206-632-4576
Email: info@coopermetabolic.com